Pre-primary to Year 10 Achievements Collection

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) has been developing the Student Records Management System (SRMS) to facilitate the collection of Pre-primary to Year 10 (P–10) achievements, as required by the 2012 amendment to the School Curriculum and Standards Authority Act 1997.

To date, the Student Information Records System (SIRS) has only been able to collect Kindergarten to Year 12 (K–12) registrations, and Years 11 and 12 enrolments and achievements, whereas the SRMS will also have the capacity to collect P–10 achievements.

The Authority has been working with the software developers at the Department of Education Western Australia (the Department) and Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA), to set up a system/sector-level collection of P–10 achievements data. Work has also commenced with some independent schools to test the direct upload of data to the SRMS test environment. Both approaches are progressing well.

From late December 2022 to the end of February 2023, the Authority conducted a successful trial upload of some system/sector-level data and some independent schools’ data to the SRMS test environment. Feedback from the trial was positive and the file format instructions have been amended. A set of P–10 achievements CSV file format ‒ Frequently Asked Questions is being developed based on questions that arose from the trial.

P‒10 achievements extended trial

The Authority Board has approved the extension of the P–10 achievements trial for the remainder of 2023. This will enable further testing and resolution of the issues identified.  Semester 1, 2023 achievements will be used for the extended trial.

Please note that for this extended trial, the Authority is collecting Semester 1 results; however, eventually end-of-year achievements (or end-of-semester achievements for courses that are only a semester in duration) will be collected.

The purpose of the extended trial is to test the system/sector-level extraction process rather than interrogate missing achievements in these files.

P‒10 achievements resources

The Pre-primary to Year 10: Teaching, Assessing and Reporting Policy sets out the minimum mandatory requirements for curriculum planning, assessment and reporting on student achievement.

The development of the SRMS has required the Authority to establish learning area and context codes, which will be used across all Western Australian schools to facilitate data uploads. These codes are similar to the course codes and endorsed program codes used for senior secondary.

Please refer to the following resources:

If you have any questions or require additional information, please email